Hello K3 Sisters Band Fans and Friends,
What's it all about??? Well...for starters, 2025 is another year to celebrate life! Some say people born in 2025 which is symbolized by the "Wood Fire Snake," represents opportunities for life-changing transformation and rebirth. Kaylen, Kelsey, Kristen and the entire K3SB team embrace this idea, and are dedicated to creating positive and life-changing progress in their lives, the lives of the K3SB FAM and the millions of visitors who listen to their original music and optimistic outlook on life. This unique, family friendly band believes that through music and messages of hope, encouragement and love it is possible to move the world a bit away from its current pessimistic and dystopian vibes back towards a more peaceful and utopian view. Below is a little bit more of what it's all about!
We take our commitment to encourage people seriously. We strive to be a safe, family friendly support and inspiration to our fans who identify as the K3SB FAM. We try to treat all our fans and viewers with kindness. We realize that all of us face challenges in life. We feel deeply for fans and families facing autism, depression, anxiety and other challenges, but we are not heath care professionals. We remain neutral when it comes to political or religious causes. We know we are simply entertainers and that’s cool for us.
During our broadcasts and social media posts we do not exhibit or condone cursing, nudity, sexually loaded lyrics or gesturing, bullying or hate speech. We have a volunteer team in place that seeks to actively block viewers and posts that don’t fit with the above “guardrails.” After facing online hate in 2014 the band wrote their #K3Motto as a statement of enduring positivity reflecting their heartfelt dreams of a more peaceful, gentler and kinder world. It has spread across the globe, and is being translated into just about every language.
K3 Motto
*I will always believe in myself and celebrate my life and the lives of others.
*I will respect the music and customs of others as long as they are not harmful to anyone.
*I will stand against bullying of any kind and choose love over hate.
Please, feel free to email me at dblportion2005@yahoo.com if you have concerns or business inquiries. I always read and respond to such emails.
All the best,
Bruce Ray, Kaylen, Kelsey, Kristen, Jamie and the entire team
Bruce Ray Productions, Since 1997
K3 Sisters Band, Since 2009
Yes, we will continue experimenting with different ideas and methods to share the fun with more of YOU and the exploding number of faithful K3SB FAM who keep coming.
The new and changing live streaming times, broadcast formats and growing number of in person meetups at major theme parks and entertainment related conventions are allowing us to keep expanding in ways that bring the magic of the K3 Sisters Band brands for FREE to every interested person and village on planet earth no matter how large or small.
We never intended for the K3SB to be a small blip on the screen of history, and so are preparing for another decade or two of fun and connectivity as we celebrate our lives and connect with each other by enjoying this music, standing against bullying, supporting each others’ cultures and choosing love over hate.
How charming it is to hear many of YOU reciting the #K3Motto in your native tongues to the great delight of the entire K3SB FAM and a watching world. We are all now connecting with friends and families in 90 countries representing countless language groups and diverse cultures. So cool!
As we hope to continue meeting some of you in person at top entertainment venues this year in Texas, California, Florida and New York, our plans are to bring K3SB FAM meet up opportunities to the shores of Western Europe beginning with the UK in 2025. At the same time, we are committed to meeting ALL of you LIVE online during our regular internet broadcasts directly into your home via your cell phone or smart TV!
Yes, this whole thing is just as mind boggling for us as it is for many of you. Let’s see where the fun takes all of us to next! It’s a progressive come and go party. We do have many new songs, music videos, programs and concerts under development so stay tuned for some epic announcements in the coming days and months.
We know we can’t please all the people all of the time but it’s fun to try! Thanks for your support, love and patience.
We love you & want the best for you ALL in 2025 and beyond!
Kaylen, Kelsey & Kristen
Read NEW Article About Us!
A Notice from Bruce Ray Productions:
Dear K3SB FAM,
Here we are sitting on top of the world: witnessing exploding views and likes on social media, doors opening left and right, lots of new music emerging with RAPS, music videos and live streaming concert plans taking shape. This raises the question of who we are – the answer is: partly us, partly you.
Our part is to provide the music, creativity, encouragement and support that typifies the K3 Sisters Band experience: your part is to have a great time listening, watching and interacting with us and each other on a planetary scale without anyone getting hurt or sore, which is really what this whole adventure is all about.
Our current situation demands that we continue to provide our part to growing numbers who are just now beginning to catch on to what you knew all along!
There is no blanket solution to the challenges and “problems” caused by such increasing demand and there is no turning back. We are the biggest “non major record label draw” in the history of free, post pandemic, high fidelity, concert live streaming across multiple social media platforms which includes live chatting. That’s not a self-congratulatory statement, rather a stark fact pointing to the seriousness of how we view our “problem” of pleasing everyone including ourselves in sustainable ways.
The good old days when we were your personal minstrels have been overshadowed by a new reality which must be addressed. We are not a political, religious or major record label artist fandom movement, nor are we a counter-culture, drug culture or the latest overnight TV sensation – we are a symbiotic fun machine designed to get 10,000 to 100,000 K3SB FAM and friendly lurkers in “touch” with each other and the crazy, original fun. Our #K3Motto is not a creed or doctrine, it is a much needed guiding expression of general principles and propositions that transcend politics and religions in an effort to move the social dials in the world to more unity, acceptance, peace and love.
For years we have tested different times of the day to broadcast our concerts and meetups in order to reach as many individuals and people groups on planet earth to experience a little magic together in safe, online ways. We are now reaching millions of people live from every time zone on earth! We have new ideas to test later this year and beyond, so try keep your sense of proportion and understand that we are doing what must be done to ensure everyone’s good vibes during this unexpected era of Mega K3 Sisters Band-dom. So, take these experimental changes and broadcasting concepts with the grains of salt they deserve and enjoy watching the ripples of us out on the creative oceans and as our personal tributary begins mingling with larger world-wide currents.
It's just as weird and exciting for us as it is for you, but, after all, this was never meant to be a private party. But know this – we are dedicated to making sure the K3SB “Party Never Ends!”
A band that defies description...